Creative Alliance Apologises – After Backlash

Founder and Publisher. Based in Brisbane.
Howard started Scene Magazine in 1993. Paul Keating was Prime Minister. Whitney, Janet and Mariah all had Aussie #1s and Mark Zuckerberg was 9. Over 30 years he's overseen the growth of scenestr magazine to become Australia's largest – and only national – street press while forging a digital-first imperative for the title in the mid-naughties. He's judged more battle of the bands than he cares to remember and proud of the myriad media partnerships the company has earned across the music, arts and comedy sectors. He likes Star Trek and a good Oxford Comma – way too much fun at parties.

The Sunshine Coast Creative Alliance is finally making conciliatory noises, including an apology, following a backlash over claims of trampling an artist's rights.

Last week, we reported that photographer, Marc Austin-Zande was threatening legal action over claims that SCCA had used one of his images without permission. It wasn't the breach of copyright that had raised his ire, but what he says was the organisation's slothful and dismissive approach in addressing his concerns.

Only after months of obfuscation, where Mr Austin-Zande was forced to incrementally increase his activity in pursuit of redress, has SCCA finally rolled out legal advice, a blog post of its own and no doubt what it believes is a defence of its actions on Facebook. The Sunshine Coast photographer refutes much of this belated and creative version of events with his response  here.

The merits of the copyright claim are one matter (and in the opinion of this writer will ultimately fall in favour of the photographer it it's ever pursued), but it's the initial response from SCCA — read lack of it — and the manner in which the issue was subsequently conducted, that highlights the perils of either arrogant or incompetent (or both) public relations policies — regardless of whether an organisation is a not-for-profit or not.

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