Conversations With Men – Clementine Ford Dissects And Explores Masculinity At Horizon Festival

Clementine Ford - Image © Sarah Enticknap
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Nestled in the colourful, vibrant programme of this year's Horizon Festival on the Sunshine Coast are some incredibly important conversations.

One of these conversations surrounds how society informs and shapes masculinity. In 'Conversations With Men', five local Sunshine Coast men are invited to speak to the boys they used to be about the men they learned to become.

Guest speakers are professional chef Matt Golinski, musician, journalist and screenwriter Jon Coghill, artist Jandamarra Cadd, community activist Wayne Parcell and new father/professional Tobias Ford.

And in the Presenter/Moderator's chair is writer, broadcaster and feminist community builder Clementine Ford. We speak to Clementine about her involvement with this event, as well as its potential benefits and why it's a good fit for Horizon Festival.

Tell us what it means for you to be involved in this year’s Horizon Festival?
I have so many fond memories of being on the Sunshine Coast. Performing in regional areas of Australia is always immensely satisfying because you meet some of the most engaged audience members around. This festival is especially important to me because I have been able to invite my brother to join me on stage. I’m so excited by the incredible talent we see in production teams and creative endeavours all around this country and I’m excited to experience everything that Horizon Festival has to offer.

You’ll be playing the role of Moderator. What’s your main aim in this role?
As the host and holder of this event, my job is to create a safe and warm environment for the men and people performing to feel comfortable. These topics can be incredibly triggering for some people largely because men are not encouraged to share these feelings and memories to audiences. And so when I say I’m the holder of this event, what I mean is I am in charge of and responsible for holding space in a way that allows these men performing and sharing so vulnerably to feel safe and held and empowered. I take it very seriously and consider it a huge privilege.

What is the biggest challenge of presenting an event like this?
The biggest challenge we face in hosting this event is finding men who are willing to do it! As I said, men are not used to sharing in this way publicly and we have not been great as a society at truly creating space for them to be vulnerable like this. However, once we are past that, what we have consistently found is that the men and people who perform are incredibly moved and changed by the experience, as is the audience.

Why do you think an event like ‘Conversations With Men’ is a good fit for the Horizon programme?
I think it’s a good fit for any programme! But it will work well with this festival, because it’s open-hearted and ultimately about seeking truth beyond what we think we know.

In your view, how does storytelling through events like this, provide avenues for learning and growth? Why is this important?
It’s twofold. It helps the storytellers to connect with parts of themselves they’ve maybe ignored (in this case, the littlest version of themselves) and to come to some healing or understanding about how those kids were perhaps let down in some way. And it helps audience members to realise they’re not alone, and to feel empathy for others. Really, that’s at the core of this event – empathy, and progress through compassion.

Tell us about the guest speakers, what dynamic are you anticipating for the evening?
It’s always difficult to predict! The one thing I can promise is laughter, tears, relational healing and gratitude.

What is the biggest thing you hope audiences take away from the event?
That there is no fixed way of being. Men are harmed by patriarchy too, and the boys they once were deserve to be held and apologised to for the ways society let them down. It inspires a new way of raising boys for the future.

'Conversations With Men' is on at Wonderland Spiegeltent at Cotton Tree Park (Horizon Festival) 29 August.

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