Clementine Ford is confirming for a new generation that the concept of agreeing to differ is dead. The new black for anyone with an opposing perspective is that they must go and get fucked.
The social commentator, with a specified penchant for women's issues, took to social media yesterday to assert that women (and no doubt, men) have a right to own their own bodies and to share intimate images of themselves with an expectation of trust. Few would disagree.

A parallel issue has been topical in recent years over women's (and to a far lesser degree, men's) ability to walk alone in public places, in particular after dark.
Police and others were criticised in some quarters for urging women not to do so, and that statements of this ilk reinforced the onus on the victim to stay safe whereas messaging should better be targeted at perpetrators.
For what it's worth, in relation to the personal safety issues, my view is that perpetrators should be hunted down, castigated — and in some cases castrated and incarcerated (in that order). No problems at all. I support anti-violence and 'dobbing' social education.
But I also support the idea of not putting oneself in harm's way — be it male or female, person or property. Walking alone after dark increases risk. As does leaving one's car unlocked.
I'm all for a good debate, but when did pulling the #Get Fucked card replace the 'let's agree to differ' card? Or the 'have you considered this' card? One of the big problems with the Get Fucked card is people change their minds over time. What if a Channel 7 talking head needs time to come around? Kevin Rudd did. Tony Abbott will. What if Clementine Ford hits 40, and God forbid, changes her mind? It happens. To all of us.
The major problem though is not Ford or her Channel 7 protagonists — it's that today 50,000 people were led to believe that an acceptable way to press one's point is simply to tell opponents to get fucked.
I have two words for you, Clementine. #Tryagain.
I have taken nude photos of myself and sent them to lovers. I've taken nude photos of myself when I'm bored. I've taken...
Posted by Clementine Ford on Thursday, 18 June 2015