Catherine Deveny said, "ANZAC Day was Bogan Halloween. On social media. On ANZAC Day.
Right now that Facebook Post resembles the news ticker in Times Square as Australians pile in with reaction ranging from outright assault (the usual, tired, even 'bogan' variety), considered pity, and the defence of her right to speech – which, among other things, The ANZACs fought to protect. There is an occassional defender game to put their head above the parapet.
But overwhelmingly she is under serious enemy fire. And make no mistake, she has made enemies.
In a move straight out of the Yassmin Abdiel-Magied "#Lest we forget Manus, #Lest We Forget Nauru" playbook, Deveney didn't opt for the considered post with supporting rationale – although it's being drip-fed now. Nor did she opt for respectful timing of her no doubt deeply-held belief: she might have been advised to choose a day that wasn't, you know, ANZAC Day. Just lobbed that grenade straight in there.
Whether Deveny cares or not; whether her newly acquired enemies are her (potential) audience or not remains to be seen. In a convoluted sorry-not-sorry manoeuvre, Yassmin removed her comments and apologised – but still managed to blame everyone but Yassmin.
Deveny is not new to controversy. Eight years ago she was sacked as a columnist by Fairfax Media for suggesting Bindi Irwin – then 11 years old – should "get laid". True story.

While this writer condemns her comments as ill-considered, disrepectful, out of step with mainstream Australia – not the bogans, Catherine – and appallingly timed, I do defend her right to say it and don't condone any of the abuse written on her social media pages.
It will be fascinating to watch this unfold – especially considering, as with most stories, there are two sides. Al Gans wrote in response to Catherine Deveny's post:
Taken out of context people, I'm a real Veteran and I suffer for it, as did many of my relatives back as far as WW1. We should note one of Catherine's main points (if I read it right), there are so many "hangers on" who jump on the Veteran bandwagon or ruin ANZAC Day as an excuse to get on the piss and/or make money out of it. Nobody has a go at them, also don't get me started on the Valor thieves, (those grubs who wear medals they're not entitled to), many of whom are RSL Members / Administrators. ANZAC Day is very important to many, however, it has turned into a media circus, so Bogan Halloween is in some ways pretty spot on, particularly reading some of the foul comments above."

Related: CC Catherine Deveny; scenestr Black Diggers review: "probably one of the most important plays of the year".