Following acclaimed sold-out performances around the world, Irish–French chanteuse Camille O’Sullivan returns to Australia with her seductive storytelling and vivid stage persona.
Born in London to a French mother and Irish father, Camille moved to Ireland as a child. Prior to running away with the circus ‘The Famous Spiegeltent’, she spent a year studying Fine Art painting then onto University College Dublin, where she graduated as an Architect.
Known for her dramatic interpretations of dark, narrative songs by contemporary performers, Camille is a unique performer and an original cast member of award-winning cabaret show 'La Clique'. These are Camille's top five Irish words:
LangerThis originates and is specific to my town Cork, and has several meanings, which confuses those from outside the city walls.
1. “What a langer!” (an ejjit, fool)
2. “He was langers.” (He was really drunk)
3. More rudely – “Did you see his langer?” (Private parts)
When it is said in a Corkonian drawl it adds to the comical sound of it. 'Lannnngggerrrs boy' or 'like', is how they always finish sentences. It's great like...

Did you find that yoke I left for you with the thingymabob? You imagine you'd spend hours trying to guess what the yoke and the thingymabob might be, but amazingly it seems to make absolute sense to the Irish. Irish people use this phrase a lot – not saying what the actual object is but knowing exactly what the person means, even over the phone... father Ted has a lot to answer for.Craic
Means having great fun. Many Irish people have been sent back home from Visa Immigration in the US. Seriously I had a friend in this situation. "Why are you visiting the US Mam?", "Ah for the craic".Amadan
Gaelic word for fool or idiot. “Well you're some amadan”, “your man is such an idiot”. And to confuse things "your man" does not mean "your" man it means any man – that guy over there, the guy from the other night etc. Lots of tourist get confused. "He is not my man!!!"Whist
Be quiet please. Heard in many a music sessions in bars on the west coast...”Tommy is playing, will you whissssst!!” Love the sound. Sometimes just the word whist alone is enough to shut up an entire room!Camille O'Sullivan's Tour Dates
22-24 Jan – Arts Centre (Melbourne)30 & 31 Jan – Brisbane Powerhouse
13-15 Jan – Adelaide Fringe Festival
7 & 8 Jan – Hobart Spiegeltent