Bernard Gaynor Is His Own Parody Account

Bernard Gaynor
Arts Editor and Senior Writer (many years until 2012)

Bernard Gaynor — the Senate 'candidate' who left Bob Katter's uber-conservative Australian Party because it wasn't quite conservative enough for him — has descended all the way into self-parody, if his latest tweets are any indication.

Gaynor — 'Father of 5, Iraq vet & Catholic' — set the bar high with this corker, which he apparently saved up for International Women's Day:

To be fair, he was happy to give a shout-out to women who know their place:

Clearly 'women's issues' aren't Bernard's strong point. Just as well he brings a wealth of military experience and know-how to the table.

That's a bold theory, but Bernard can back it up. The war would be going much better, he says, if we just looked at the right intel.

The devout Catholic then offered this bizarre retort to a follower who challenged him to say something "really offensive" about Mohammed.

Naturally, Gaynor's Twitter meltdown has attracted attention from comedians...

... but none of them could top Gaynor himself, the merry prankster who must surely be a progressive bloke with a gift for satire. I mean, he couldn't always have been this way, could he?

Ha! Good one, Bernie.

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