Author And Filmmaker Sean Stone Speaks At InfoReset Seminar Series

Sean Stone
Senior Writer.
A seasoned all-rounder music writer and storyteller with a specialised interest in the history of rock.

Sean Stone is the son of Oscar-winning film director Oliver Stone and has become a leading academic on geopolitics with a particular emphasis on American imperialism.

Sean has starred in many of his father's films since birth, including 'Wall Street', 'Born On The Fourth Of July', 'JFK' and 'The Doors'. He has also become a talented filmmaker in his own right and is currently part of 'Watching The Hawks' with Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace.

Sean will be speaking as part of the InfoReset 2018 seminar series and takes time to answer some of our questions below.

What will you be discussing/ presenting at InfoReset?
[Sean] I prefer to leave a good mystery, but essentially I’ll be discussing my own path of awakening to our interdimensional reality. I’ll be discussing my work including my film 'Greystone Park', my book 'New World Order' and my recent documentary 'A Century Of War'.

What do you hope to gain from the experience?
I love interacting with an audience. It’s an extremely enlivening experiencing and it tends to inform me of new ways of thinking about and seeing the world.

Why did you decide to convert to Islam in 2012?
I’ve spoken extensively on this when it happened and I’m not really desiring [sic] to elaborate right now.

But at the end of the day, I think religion is a bit like a penis – it’s one thing to have and use wisely, but it’s not something that needs to be shown off and bragged about in public. Perhaps my talk at InfoReset will help elucidate more of who I am and what I feel my mission to be.

Did the decision cause friction between you and your family/ friends?

Your 2016 book 'New World Order: A Strategy Of Imperialism' explores the relationship between government and big business, linking it to William Yandell Elliott's creation of a 'kindergarten of Anglo-American imperialists'; what has been the long-term significance of Elliott's work in this regard?
I don’t think Elliott himself is in any way the architect of the ‘new world order’ or even the progenitor of his students Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sam Huntington.

But researching his life and work became a vehicle by which I could better comprehend the reality of an Anglo-American conspiracy to create a new world order, as essentially the continuation of the British Empire and its model of rule by international corporate law.

We see the consolidation of wealth in fewer and fewer hands, so it’s difficult to argue that the new world order hasn’t succeeded, though it now seems it may collapse upon itself with an over-reach of consolidation.

You are described a 'passionate advocate of peace between major religions such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity'; how do you think this may be achieved?
Since they all believe in one creator and derive from the same original principles and texts, I don’t see why it should be too difficult to achieve.

Islam built upon Christianity and Judaism the same way Christianity arrived through Judaism and pagan solar worship. There is one mountain and many roads to the top. Just because someone is on a different path, doesn’t mean you have to persecute or attack them.

But it will take spiritual awareness within the religious personalities to overcome the intolerance that has set in, largely for social control and economic advantage.

Do you believe such a peace can be achieved in our lifetime?
I think anything is possible at any time. It simply requires a shift in consciousness. The only thing stopping that shift is one’s own inability to accept things as they are rather than as we have perceived them to be in the past.

As the son of a high-profile Hollywood director, did it come as a surprise when recent revelations of long-term sexual abuse by film elites came to light?
I think I spoke on Alex Jones at one point about sex-magic rituals in Hollywood that I have heard about.

I think those are the deeper layers that have not even been touched upon, though Corey Feldman’s allegations of powerful paedophilia networks do hit a real nerve. I believe all types of debauchery have taken place in 'Hollywood Babylon'.

The Harvey Weinstein-type stories were self-evident, based on the way he behaved believing in his own Midas touch and invulnerability to such a megalomaniacal extent.

But it’s indicative of a deeper problem; the phallic worship of society that so blindly believes in hierarchies, regardless if it’s a man or woman at the top. The sex-magic parties and paedophilia typify that desire to corrupt others, and oneself in the process, at the expense of one’s own soul.

Sex can be extremely healthy and beautiful, but not if it devolves into a power fetish.

Can you tell us about any film projects you're currently working on?
The martial arts comedy 'Fury Of The Fist And The Golden Fleece' should be coming out in the US in May, but I’m not sure about the dates for Down Under.

It’s a very fun movie that I wrote and act in, alongside Michael Dudikoff, Danny Trejo, Richard Grieco, Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson, Bill Goldberg and so many more stellar cameos.

Sean Stone will be joined by John Perkins (click here to read our Q&A with John) and Conchita Sarnoff (click here to read our Q&A with Conchita) at the Conscious Events seminar InfoReset series; dates below.

Conscious Events InfoReset Seminars Tour Dates

Sat 24 Feb - Darling Harbor Theatre (Sydney)
Sun 4 Mar - Crown Convention Centre (Perth)
Sat 10 Mar - Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Sat 17 Mar - Chandler Theatre at Sleeman Centre (Brisbane)

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