The Retrofuturists are a smouldering trio with the ability to blend sexy, sci-fi and cabaret into one evening.
This cabaret will hit the spot if you love a touch of terror or confusion with your arousal. 'A Trashy Night With... The Retrofuturists' is a debauched show you’d travel millennia to see, luckily it will be playing Brisbane Powerhouse's Wonderland Festival.
They were first hatched when performer and producer Regan Lynch took an uncomfortably enthusiastic shine to '80s high-energy club hits. He describes the trio as “close collaborators with a mutual love of kitsch, glam rock, and discombobulating spectacle. We needed the perfect blend of Barbaella-esque, camp science fiction and the extravagant sensuality of David Bowie. With this show and these performers, I think we’ve managed it.”

“Greetings, this-millenials. As we skipped back to this year like pebbles on a pond, we glimpsed some grim portents for your futures. HEED US! Or suffer these things to pass...”
Tony Abbott becomes the Pope
Looking resplendent in gold and red, he ascends to his true calling in the Vatican. He replaces the custom of kissing sick children on the forehead with punching them directly in the face.Penguins start hunting humans as prey
Migration from the melting ice caps, or revenge? We aren’t sure, but their raids are barbaric and horrific. Look out, Tasmanians.The rate of same-sex divorces sky rocket
To match that of opposite-sex divorces. Equality is here!The United Nations suddenly transforms into a beige, amorphous blob
No one realises the difference for quite some time.A 25th hour is added to the day
People enthusiastically grasp this extra time to emotionlessly scroll through timelines on their phones until the dark mercy of sleep finally claims them.'A Trashy Night With... The Retrofuturists' performs Brisbane Powerhouse's Wonderland Festival 5 & 6 December.