5 Trivia Hacks With Allan Smithy

Allan Smithy
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

After causing a mass swoon with his romantic stylings in 'The Streets' Allan Smithy is back to break hearts.

The solo venture of Matt Amery (Tin Sparrow), Allan's new video for the debut track is backed by a string of shows in Melbourne and Sydney – set to bring the breezy summer vibes to the southern states with his brand new material.

As cunning as he is musically gifted, Allan loves the odd spot of triva. These are his Top 5 hacks:

Trivia Hack One

First and arguably most important is the name. If you want other people to know that you are a trivia aficionado (and you do) name is everything. Try to avoid the euphemisms and include something topical; instead of quiz on my face, try Honey I Shrunk The Quiz. It lets people know that you aren’t there to muck around and are a potential '80s film buff. If you decide to go for the jizz related puns, it’s OK, you won’t be the only ones.

Trivia Hack Two

Make sure you stack your team with smarties. While it might not be as fun playing a game where your teammates know the answer to every question, it’s miles better than having a team that doesn't know anything. Think of it as a game of ambrose golf, if your team wins no one cares who made the winning put.

Trivia Hack Three

Buy jugs of beer. It’s cheaper than schooners, and easier to carry ;) ***remember if you drink too many beers you become THAT guy who blurts out all the answers... Don’t be that guy.

Trivia Hack Four

Do the weekend quiz in the paper. 9 times out of 10 some of the questions will come up again.

Trivia Hack Five

Keep your ears open, it’s about getting the answer not knowing it.

Allan Smithy performs Rare Finds #8 at Oxford Arts Factory 27 November and The Gasometer 8 December.

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