When he's not at his day job as the Executive Officer at Q Music, Joel Edmondson spends time crafting his own brand of heartfelt and insightful country, soul and pop.
Next week he'll appear at West End sailor dungeon aka The Bearded Lady to 'spew forth' his musings on love, death, the future, lies we tell and receive, and David Bowie.

The baby wakes and disturbs the cat, setting off a chain reaction that could lead to nuclear war.6am
News of the latest government hypocrisy appears via an uninvited notification on my phone from a nefarious mainstream news agency that is secretly listening to my phone calls.11am
Not close enough to lunch to have lunch, too far past a reasonable time for morning tea.5pm
A purple moon rises in the west, signalling that the next Dalai Lama will be a previously undiscovered variety of Mexican hot sauce.7.47pm
The Queensland Premier calls to tell me she has thought more about it and realised that the lock-out laws are a bad idea.Joel Edmondson plays The Bearded Lady Wednesday 24 February. Free entry.