In the words of Song Fwaa, you can expect an evening of “mocking, experimental, probing, formal, serious, straight out fun” when the Sydney trio play the Brisbane Jazz Club.
The Sydney trio of Martin Kay on alto sax (Fantastic Terrific Munkle/ Continuum Sax/ SSO), David Reaston on guitar (leader of the 10 Guitar Project), and Jamie Cameron on drums (20th Century Dog/ Amphibious/ Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra) have a:
A fascination for texture and offbeat interactions led to a consensus to improvise and compose as a chamber ensemble. Song Fwaa views music as an open vessel into which ideas are dropped and stewed. One is as likely to encounter a ragged ragtime or a post-bop scronk as much as a munted groove or a dodecaphonic row. Transcending the trioʼs eclectic curiosity and its diverse stylistic range, Song Fwaa demonstrates a unity of purpose: creating passionate music that resonates in both mind and body.
Here the band explain their favourite, mutant creatures.
1. Winnie The Clone Dog
Winnie is precisely the same, yet there is a mirage, just a shimmer of doubt in her mind that originally things were quite other than things originally were. Maybe.2. Fred The Glagellator
This ginormous whipbird loves flailing its snout and loves nothing more than surprising fisherpurses with a quick, stumpy run, rolling them over and over, giggling erroneously and erotically.3. Sammy The Sealant
Did you know that seals can lift 50 times their own weight and just adore plugging holes? The smelliest super-organism.4. Strunk The Lambephant
It would be completely out of place to blather on about the wonders of this hybrid. Bloated, useless and quite transparent, which to tell you the truth, we were not expecting at all.5. Plebumblebeean
Can a mutant take shape by smooshing two organics together? This is a work in progress, but an ordinary one. Quite a buzz around it.Song Fwaa play the Brisbane Jazz Club 9 October.