
5 Memorable Tony Abbott Quotes

Tony Abbott
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Since 2012, Melbourne writer and performer Jessi Lewis has, between ongoing national and international tours, devoted his time to creating a triptych of work entitled 'Great Southern Land'.

In 2013, he presented 'Shattered', a work that explored terrorism on home soil. Then in 2014 'Haven' addressed Australia's treatment of refugees and environmental issues.

Next month, Jessi turns his attention to nuclear testing in 1950s Australia as the catalyst for this final instalment; a highly visceral performance that weaves together movement and spoken verse melded with sound designed by Caleb Garfinkel.

With the political theme of 'Great Southern Land', Jessi takes aim at every lefty's favourite most loathed Australian politician... “Even when one possesses little more than a flair for incompetence, misogyny and bigotry along with a penchant for budgie smugglers, they can still end up running our country [into the ground]. Here are five memorable quotes from our fearless leader out there making us Aussies proud.”

Over to you Prime Minister...

1. “It’s hard to think that back in 1788 it was nothing but bush.”

I think for our Prime Minister, it hurts to think full stop, so stop it's hurting us to.

2. “Shit happens.”

It’s something we have all said in passing conversation, but perhaps not when talking to soldiers about their mate's death.

3. “What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills, when they switch the iron on, are going to go up.”

Apparently Australian women are still stuck in the 1950s.

4. “I probably feel a bit threatened.”

Because if you didn’t already know, gays are scary, really scary.

5. “Up close, [wind turbines are] ugly, they're noisy and they may have all sorts of other impacts.”

Apparently, there is no such thing as climate change and the entire debate surrounds a “new, world order led by the United Nations”. There’s nothing more Aussie than a tan.

'Transcend' plays at Scratch Warehouse North Melbourne from 13 August.

Jessi Lewis Transcend
Jessi Lewis in 'Transcend'


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