
5 Excuses For Being Late As Suggested By Adelaide Electronic Duo Hartway

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

With inspirations from FKJ and Flight Facilities, Hartway are an Adelaide house and acid-jazz duo making waves in the local music scene.

With a fresh perspective to classic, groove-based music, Hartway were winners of the Fresh 92.7 Producer’s Series. The duo of Conor Barkway and Jack Degenhart recently released their debut EP 'Motions'.

They also know a thing or two about being late as their listicle suggests. "It happens. Get creative with it!

"Just don’t be that guy who struts in with coffees in hand trying to seem sorry. That guy isn’t getting away with anything.

"If you’re ever caught in a pickle, here are a few excuses from the Hartway locker."

1. Dentist appointment

Or a doctor’s appointment. Anything medical really. They all run late don’t they?

2. Car broke down

A classic. Used it before? Then consider faking a car accident. Only for the experienced. Like Jack, you may need to preserve the tale for an entire day to your understandably concerned work colleagues.

3. Sorry, we had rehearsals

This was an absolute staple for us in high school. Sorry Ms Brown, we just weren’t that into chemistry.

4. Busy being a hero

Can exist in various forms. Consider Conor’s proven example of once rescuing a stray dog. Who’s seriously going to argue with the possible well-being of a vulnerable doggo? And if they do, perhaps they weren’t worth being on-time for anyway.

5. Public transport

Legit or not, the Adelaide fam will feel this one.

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