Spit it out. Sink your teeth in. Or suck it up.
To speak and not to speak about anything at all is nothing out of the ordinary, especially for a politician. We need it to survive. It also creates wars. A new experimental physical performance by The DIG Collective about word play, a difficult conversation, and two bodies on stage will be taking to the streets of Frankston during the Anywhere Festival and invite you to converse with them.
Conversations that take place with locals during the day will be integrated into the show’s performance each night – 'DoubleSpeak // V1 // Are You Happy With That Response?'. For the performance, audiences will be taken to a vacant shop front in the heart of Frankston – in line with Anywhere Festival’s mantra that art can and should happen anywhere.
The DIG Collective highlight 5 difficult conversations to have:

101 Dalmatians
It's one of our favourite childhood films, but we can't overlook the fact that perhaps the parents of the 101 Dalmatians weren’t very responsible – they had an inordinate amount of offspring and then subjected them to a woman who was happy to skin and kill puppies. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
Internet dating sites
What if people who enjoy longs walks on the beach on dating sites are actually crabs in disguise slowly interbreeding with humans to attempt world domination? You should always check Tinder pics carefully for hidden claws.{youtube}U9cYmqIbPKI{/youtube}
Service Industry Pleasantries
Should we be weary of people who say “see you later” in service industries, who don’t know our name, or who we are? Are they just misusing pleasantries or are they voyeurs, stalkers and/ or murderers sadistically taunting us while we buy milk?{youtube}fF5IrFL3-GQ{/youtube}
... No, really. WHAT?!
Attention Spans
Should we agree to celebrate our dwindling attention span by contributing to Top 5 lists while creating a performance that actively promotes difficult conversations? Should we talk about the way publicity opportunities frame our art and steer our attention away from meaningful discussion? How do we negotiate the bombardment of this kind of rhetoric? Let's talk about that.'DoubleSpeak // V1 // Are You Happy With That Response?' plays Anywhere Festival, 1-6 September.