Half naked UK chef TV celebrity chef, Steve Woko Jackson will be cooking a boutique dinner with all the trimmings at Adelaide Fringe.
At first glance it's a cooking demonstration, at second glance it's a naked cooking demonstration and at third glance you're not sure anymore. Join Steve for a guide through the pointless basics of cooking with a broken wok, a wooden spoon and hard nipples. Best advised to bring a pint to the adventure defined by the audience.
Some things you won't see Steve cook – because they're too dangerous when you're in the buff – are:
NOT AN INNUENDO. They spit. They spit fat. Picture it. No, don’t picture it.{youtube}II3mAdlt9sA{/youtube}
The usual rules about wearing gloves can’t apply but I always wear an apron so I wipe my hands on that and try to forget to move my hands anywhere else on my body. Try to avoid deep frying chilli. Recipe for disaster right there.Green ants in molasses
'Cause you get all the molasses caught in your hair and the ants end up where you may not quuuuite want them. But if you do finish this combination of successfully it’s exactly the right amount of sticky crunch. Yum.Tim Tams filled with gelignite
To be honest this is a bad idea fully clothed. Maybe scrap this one?
Hot Blancmange
We don’t know what that is but we just don’t think it’s a good idea. Would it even still be a blancmange if it’s hot? Probably some idiots tried it on 'My Kitchen Rules'.'Half Naked Chef: Burnt To A Crisp' performs The Kitchen 12 February – 13 March as part of Adelaide Fringe Festival which runs 12 February – 14 March.