Mentalist David Stewart visits Melbourne for two nights of mindreading and psychological magic in 'Azure'.
After his success in the UK, David will be premiering his new show at The Butterfly Club. Since January, he has travelled Australia collecting ideas, inspiration and knowledge for this stage show that’ll be travelled over the world through 2015 and 2016.
'Azure' demonstrates seemingly psychic mind-reading, devilish hypnosis and beautiful magic, all with a spiritualist way of seeing the world. It explores the true potential of our minds, how we’ve been asleep to the infinite abilities that we all posses and that now it’s time to wake up.
This one-man show will utilise the audience for random volunteers and will include demonstrations of reading unknown details about volunteers, revealing thoughts and predictions of the future.
“Our life is a timeline. Looking back on what you were like as a child gives you perspective of why you are the way you are today, why you have taken this journey. Looking at my life from this higher perspective, I understand better how I've come to this point and where it's all going,” says David. Here are his Top 5 childhood memories.
Getting My First Drum Kit
Seeing the shiny silver drum kit in the garage for the first time on Christmas Day. Playing everyday for hours in the cold and dark, pretending I'm on stage for Fall Out Boy in front of 10,000 people.
Miss Tilly
Sitting on the classroom floor in year two, I'm staring up at my teacher, falling in love for the first time. Miss Tilly stole my heart and ran away. She told me I was the best in the class and then she left the school. Man-eater. She was young with long brown hair, and that's just about all I remember of her, other than how she broke my heart.{youtube}DBZpPaXi_Ys{/youtube}
Twiglets, Galaxy and Stella
Me and my older brother and sister, Jonny and Laura, would jump on my dad's bed singing his three favourite things – Twiglets, Galaxy and Stella. He would don a white robe like an evil witch and tickle us until we couldn't breathe. We still play it today.
The Cardboard Box
Christmas morning as a seven-year-old boy and I'm opening Action Men, Stretch Armstrong and Toy Story toys. But, nothing will ever beat the feeling of unwrapping a box to find another box. A plain cardboard box for me to invent ANYTHING I want to invent. A spaceship, a fort or a DEN. Give me some string and some blu tac and I'm gone.
Me and Jonny [brother] have the power to stop time and fast forward into the future. We can point out a finger and make people do what we want them to do. Since I was a kid I've been researching how to train my psychic powers and cast spells – because who wouldn't use a love potion?
'Azure' plays The Butterfly Club, 22 & 23 July.