5 Bets With Friends That Could Go Wrong

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Ever made a bet with a mate, won, and celebrated by buying a round of drinks only for them to wriggle their way out of the $50 they owed you? YouBetcha (this is not a sponsored ad!) is here to keep your friends accountable and all from the convenience of your pocket.

A bunch of mates made an app to put an end to bet burglary once and for all, because people flake out of fun, dodgy bets way too often. It gives you the ability to scroll through friends or even strangers’ bets, and features a timeline of silly, stupid and downright dirty dares. What kinds of dares are we talking here? Well, here are the top five things the Australian public are challenging each other with.


1. Chug a two-litre carton of milk

You’ve seen Anchorman haven’t you? “Milk was a bad choice.” Not to mention the infamous ‘milk challenges’ that infiltrated YouTube circa 2012. People never learn and slurping that much dairy at once is sure to make it come back up again - almost immediately. So if you want to avoid a milky, smelly cleanup… steer clear of this one. But if you want to win an easy $20, who are we to judge you - bet away!

2. Who can go the longest without sex?

Your mates are either in a dry spell and are going to win this bet, or they’re killing it on Tinder and are bound to, eer, lose. We’re only human and who are we to keep our friends from experiencing the joys of life? $50 changes all that.

3. Mum will eat raisin toast for breakfast tomorrow

After many years of knowing your mum, you learn her habits - what time she wakes up, what time she’ll call her sister up to gossip about the latest episode of My Kitchen Rules and what she’s going to nag you about next. Why not make a bet about what she’s going to be chomping down on for brekky? Seems simple enough. Well because, mums are as unpredictable as Melbourne weather and while she may have been eating raisin toast religiously for the past 3 weeks, tomorrow  could be a porridge day. And porridge day could leave your wallet a little light.


4. Drive into a McDonalds drive-thru in reverse and order a Big Mac meal

Bets amongst friends at McDonalds are about as traditional as a roast on a Sunday. Who can forget coning? Actually that was pretty forgettable. But driving backwards into the drive-thru is taking things to a whole new level, and not in the best way. Let’s just say there is no good way for this bet to end except for eating a Big Mac, but was it really worth pissing everyone off? Maybe it was provided you ordered a McFlurry too.

5. First to Die

Taking bets on who will die first is all fun and games at first. “Scott is definitely going to die first with all those ciggies he pounds.” “No it’s definitely Steve, he keeps driving backwards at the drive thru!” Mates will be mates but skip this bet and avoid having to get someone to cough up the dough at a funeral and you’ll be thankful you’ve avoided a pretty awkward situation.

YouBetcha is the work of digital product development company Papercloud and is available to download for free through the App Store.

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