The New Bonds Men's Ad Campaign Focuses On The Turtleneck Vs Crewneck Debate

Turtlenecks Vs Crewnecks
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

There's a new Bonds underwear advertising campaign for men and it's sparking conversation about men with 'turtlenecks' vs men with 'crewnecks'. If you catch the drift.

The video campaign features a bunch of guys in a locker room. The turtleneck-wearers compliment a man on his crewneck. And reassure him that the crewneck makes his neck look big.

I think you can figure out what's going on at this point. If not. . . Check out the clip below. It should speak for itself.

All men are born equal. Some just get. . . Slightly modified. And this has been generally overlooked by underwear brands, until now.

"We are highlighting a truth that all men are aware of, but maybe haven’t given due consideration to when it comes to their choice of undies. We hope we’ll get on men’s radars with this cheeky message," Bonds Head Of Marketing Kelly McBride tells AdNews.

Sure, crewnecks are a rarer breed than turtlenecks in modern society, but both teams are valid and deserve a comfortable underwear experience! Thanks Bonds!

The new Bonds campaign will run across live streaming sports app Kayo, social media and in-store.

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