Take An Outfit From Cassandra's Closet

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An independent designer and fashion consultant with a retail space full of my favourite international labels, Cassandra Booth is the owner and operator of Cassandra's Closet in Ipswich.

An alternative clothing and corset boutique, Cassandra's Closet stocks vintage, formal, costume, classic and everyday wear. “I love being a part of the alternative fashion scene. From the events to the people I see every day, there’s always something exciting happening,” says Cassandra.

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Stocking a range of global brands from gothic to lolita, rockabilly and steampunk, you'll never be short of an ensemble after visiting Cassandra's Closet. It's like borrowing from your best friend's wardrobe – and forgetting to ever give it back.

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The store also carries an array of fan-fiction, Cosplay clothing and memorabilia, incense, costume made steampunk housewares and posers, jewellery and other accessories.

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Sashay into Cassandra's Closet, located on Bell Street, Ipswich.

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