Op till you drop this August and support National Op Shop Week while grabbing yourself a bargain.
The start of spring will see thousands of wardrobes around the country emptied, shuffled around, re-vamped and tossed, just in time for the next season's trends. Instead of re-gifting that scarf your Aunt bought that you'll never wear, or tossing those boots that are just a smidge too tight these days – why not donate your pre-loved clothes and accessories to the charity shops supporting the local community and those less fortunate?

“You can help your local charity op shops in three ways. You can donate unwanted clothes or goods, volunteer at a shop or help them to raise money by buying their goods,” says Founder of National Op Shop Week, Do Something Director, Jon Dee.

An initiative of Do Something charity, National Op Shop Week is run in association with NACRO, the National Association For Charitable Recycling Organisations. Shops included in the week-long supporting event are Red Cross, Vinnies, the Salvos, Oxfam, Lifeline, The Smith Family, the RSPCA, Brotherhood of St Laurence, the Asthma Foundation, Anglicare, MS Australia, Youth Off The Streets, Uniting Care and many more.