A Fashion Revolution is coming to Albion (Brisbane), presenting three days packed with sustainable and ethical talks, threads and workshops.
Organised by Naomi Huntsman, Jane Milburn, Leah Musch and Kim Bailey, the message of slow fashion, ethical and sustainable sourcing and up-cycling clothing will be the key topic, in order to battle fast fashion.
Working in the fashion industry and having studied fashion, Naomi wants to the community to move towards more sustainable fashion to help the environment and the workers that can be exploited by the industry.
“I've worked for clothing labels and you see the toll it has on the environment and the people. I just really wanted to create an alternative in the industry that people can access and be a part of," she says.
“It is just such a massive industry and has so many different impacts.”
Involved with Fashion Revolution which is a global movement in 100 countries, Naomi hopes to see the change in perspective and consumption in Brisbane.
“I thought we could take it to the next level here in Brisbane and just get everyone together in the community, as well as a way to showcase what is happening right here so that we can live [and shop] more locally as well.
“Fashion Revolution in itself is about creating more transparency within the industry and accountability for the sake of the environment and the workers.
“There is definitely a lot more awareness growing around now, there has been a lot of mindless consumption in the industry for such a long time, just getting people to engage with each other, with the makers, and with our own wardrobes, other than relentlessly buying new.”
Encouraging locals to become a part of the process, there will be panels to address the ethical and sustainability benefits of slow fashion and taking part in the process. Workshops are also available to benefit people who attend with to gain skills in sewing and mending clothing, run by artist Belinda Smith and organiser Jane Milburn from Textile Beat.

Belinda's workshop will contribute to her Blue Jeans Sisters project, in collaboration with Outland Denim, to liberate young women and girls who had been victims of human trafficking and the sex industry.
“Belinda's project is using the up-cycled denim to create 2000 denim dolls, and people all over Australia and the world are sending them to her.
“Essentially these dolls will be on display at Adderton house [in Brisbane], then donated to young girls in Cambodia.
“One of our panels will actually include Belinda and Dr Lauren Solomon who has worked extensively in the Cambodian garment industry to try alleviate modern day slavery practices.”
Jane's workshop will teach attendees how to mend and upcycle their own clothing.
“She's going to be running mending workshops on the Sunday. You can bring in garments that need repairing, so you can come in for her workshop and mend your garments with her expertise and supplies there.”
If you don't want to try your hand at sewing, there will also be a premium vintage and second-hand market to find some groovy pre-loved threads, in a more ethical and more sustainable way than going to the closest shopping centre, which is exactly what this weekend will be all about.
“Apart from buying new, there are so many clothes out there already, and if we just give them a second chance, it's one of the most sustainable things you can do.”