Give Peas A Chance by purchasing a pair of their cheeky new undies, you’ll be supporting animals while looking adorable.
To celebrate the launch of a new animal cruelty-free food range, Fry’s Food Group, Animals Australia and Thundies have gotten together and produced a fun new underwear range. With proceeds going towards Animal Australia’s important work to stop factory farming, the undies are 100 percent organic cotton and ask Australian’s to ‘give peas a chance?’.
With an unprecedented trend towards cruelty-free ethical fashion, women are now more than ever before opting out of dirty fashion and opting for the faux copy. Wearing ethics on your skin and close to your heart is the new black.

Lisa Chalk, Communications Director at Animals Australia says that the demand for animal-friendly products is only growing. "More and more people are looking for cruelty-free products. So we're really excited to see the range of meat-free options growing and grateful to Fry's and Thundies for supporting our work with this fun initiative."
So buy a pair of these adorable undies and support a great cause.