Cruelty Free Kisses

Lush: Cruelty-Free Kisses
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

How often do you use your eyeliner and think, 'How many rabbits have been prettied up with this new formula before I bought it?' 'How many cats have donned this shade of lipstick?' 'Am I supporting animal cruelty with this sheer blush?'

For the few of you that do ponder these thoughts with a heart laden with guilt and the many more of you who haven't once considered this but should, Lush Cosmetics will be educating masses with their Cruelty Free Kissing campaign for International Kissing Day.

Advocating the abolition of animal cruelty cosmetics, LUSH will be inviting customers to help break the Guinness World Records title for the most lip prints collected in 12 consecutive hours. There will be lots of in-store activities happening throughout the day, including free lip treatments and consultations, make-up touch-ups and of course, lots of kisses.

Visit Lush at Queen St Brisbane Saturday July 6 be be part of this record breaking attempt.

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