Bowtie For Branson?

Undress Brisbane: Bowtie For Branson
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Undress Brisbane director Edda Hamar has made the sky her limit, with a series of personal challenges aimed to promote sustainable fashion. Her target: Virgin founder, Sir Richard Branson.

Entitled 'Bowtie For Branson', the aim of the campaign is to photograph the entrepreneur wearing a sustainable, red leather bow-tie to show his support for sustainable fashion. The 30-day campaign — which ends this Thursday May 9 — comprise of various challenges, all with a slight Branson twist to them, culminating in Hamar hopefully meeting Branson himself.

Miss Hamar said the challenges have been “tough”, but has received encouraging support from the community and Virgin Mobile Australia. “So far I've done everything from cracking an egg on my head, to painting my body red, to saying 'yes' to everything for a day,” said Miss Hamar. “I hope that this will give sustainable fashion the attention it needs and deserves.”

To watch the challenge videos — and to find out if Hamar succeeds in getting Branson to pose before her Thursday deadline — visit

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