International smash hit ‘Potted Potter’ has been seen by over a million muggles worldwide, and this year returns to Australia for its fifth tour.
This gloriously irreverent, loveable romp takes on the ultimate challenge of condensing all seven ‘Harry Potter’ books (and a real-life game of Quidditch) into seventy hilarious minutes.
The fantastically funny show, created by double Olivier Award Best Entertainment nominees Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner, features all your favourite characters, a special appearance from a fire-breathing dragon, endless costumes, brilliant songs, ridiculous props and a generous helping of Hogwarts magic!

It’s a must-see for ‘Potter’ addicts and newbies alike.
scenestr’s got your chance to win a double pass to see the show when it hits either Melbourne or Sydney.
You can head along to either:
12 April @ Seymour Centre (Sydney)
24 April @ Athenaeum Theatre (Melbourne)
All you need to do is follow these two simple steps.
1. Like scenestr on Facebook, if you haven’t already.
2. Tell us which show (from the above choices) you’d like to attend.
This competition has closed. Winners have been selected and notified.