Yeti's Demon Dive Bar @ Adelaide Fringe Review

Yeti's Demon Dive Bar @ Adelaide Fringe

Billed as the lovechild of 'Rocky Horror' and 'The Mighty Boosh', it is possible that expectations were high.

Theatrical comedy duo EastEnd Cabaret are certainly inventive. A series of weird and wonderful characters are introduced, ranging from Johnny the disembodied (balding) head to a sexually aggressive, mop-like yeti and colourful psychedelic nuns.

Bernie’s exotic faux European accent is flawless and Victy’s powerful, growling voice teases and soars, showcased by an irreverent number about being touched by Jesus. Moments of spontaneous interaction with the crowd are their finest. One brave audience member calls their bluff and, with perfect aim, spits an eyeball across the stage into a plastic chip basket. EastEnd Cabaret roll spectacularly with the punches and lead the crowd in a bizarre and competitive game of 'spit the eyeball across the stage and into the plastic chip basket'. It’s charmingly absurd and the audience goes wild.

However, the surreal and darkly comic narrative about an abandoned yeti child descends into a juvenile and drawn-out masturbation mime. Underdeveloped characters enter and exit awkwardly with little to no segue. After a time, reluctant audience participation wears thin. Long silences and flat, repetitive gags grow uncomfortable.

The imaginations behind EastEnd Cabaret are mighty, no doubt. While the foundations of something Mighty Boosh-esque are apparent, frankly, 'Yeti’s Demon Dive Bar' lacks the energy and charisma to get that plane off the ground.

'Yeti’s Demon Dive Bar' performs The Garden of Unearthly Delights until 13 March as part of Adelaide Fringe Festival.

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