Wil Anderson Review @ Brisbane Comedy Festival 2023

Wil Anderson
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Everyone strapped in for a heartfelt, hilarious ride at The Tivoli on Friday (26 May) for Wil Anderson’s brand-new show, 'Wiluminate', for Brisbane Comedy Festival.

This show felt as entertaining as it did funny. Wil himself called it an “emotional rollercoaster”. To me, it was half spoken word, half comedy. Thus, if I’m being honest, I didn’t laugh as much as other shows; but the crowd definitely did, and I was still very much entertained. I don’t think it was down to Wil’s delivery, as that was flawless. It never faulted for the entire show, staying concise.

Wil makes a new show each year based on his life. Naturally, it grows and changes with him. This year, Wil discussed his COVID and post-COVID experience. We’ve all heard many COVID stories by this point as well as having our own, but, I think Wil’s is a good one.

Wil's story is unique and did not shy away from the sad. He finds humour in even the darkest situations, and he also believes in COVID, which was genuinely refreshing as multiple shows I have seen of late have been quite anti-mask. Next, Wil discussed woke culture, something unavoidable in comedy these days. Again, he had a unique take, and actually changed my opinion on some topics.

I left the show feeling I learned a lot about Wil. It gave me a deeper appreciation for him and how he thinks. His storytelling 'rants' with attention to detail and quality puns brought a smile to my face. Cheers Wil, I raise my slice of banana cake to you.

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