Suitably hirsute, comedian and budgie owner, Nick Cody has a swag of festival dates for his brand new show, 'Beard Game Strong'.
With a language all of his own, Cody’s gone all method with a kick-ass beard and a show to match. If you like beards, and you like jokes, you’ll love Nick Cody.
Here Nick shares his love of underrated pets.
While absolutely hideous to look at, the only pet that can make you money by running around Albion Park on a Wednesday night? However, one of the negatives is they're the only pet that can lose you money by running around Albion Park on a Wednesday night.
Their droppings are small and it dries quicker than Ice Magic. Also, they are the only $30 dollar pet that can learn swear words.
With an ability to do puzzles and eat garbage, these pets are not only able to entertain themselves, but get you out of a bind if you forget bin day. Good pet to make your house seem haunted.
They mow your grass while helping to provide unlimited cheese, milk and ice-cream for free. Can also provide steak, which is amazing but unfortunately only a one-off.
Gets a good laugh when you tell people you have one as a pet and extremely cheap to look after as they don't exist.
Nick Cody Tour Dates
24 Feb-1 Mar – Brisbane Powerhouse (Brisbane Comedy Festival)20 Mar – The Civic Pub (Canberra Comedy Festival)
26 Mar-19 Apr – ACMI (Melbourne International Comedy Festival)
30 Apr-3May – His Majesty's Theatre (Perth Comedy Festival)
12-16 May – Enmore Theatre (Sydney Comedy Festival)