Tom Cashman, Sam Taunton and Cameron James are reuniting at Sydney Fringe Comedy to perform their show, 'New Stuff'.
'New Stuff' is a stand-up performance, originally debuting at last year's Sydney Fringe Comedy, featuring the three comedians. Tom, Sam and Cameron use the show as an opportunity to try out some new material.
“We all try to cobble together 20 minutes of new stuff,” Tom explains. “Because we don't have enough material to put together our own trial shows, [and since] we are all mates, we do a combined one.
“It'll all be new material, some of which hasn’t been written yet. It's all still pretty fresh and loose, that's the idea. Some things will be a bit better than others I'm sure.”
“Ideally, you'd go in with some ideas. Different comedians write differently. Some people write it all out like a script and recite material. The three of us figure out our ideas on stage to some extent.”
Tom says the group enjoy the environment of the Sydney Fringe Festival because the audience can be open-minded with performances in the moment as opposed to perfectly structured, well thought-out shows.
“Sydney Fringe Festival is a fun, more casual festival on the calendar. It'll be exciting to do some new stuff.”
“Based on last year, it's less formal – not that it's usually that formal at a comedy festival. Since it's the Sydney Fringe Festival, things are a bit weirder and looser. It's also a bit cheaper so people aren't expecting a perfectly structured show which is good because that's not what ours is going to be.”
“For example, last year, the others were making fun of me. The idea is we do about 15 minutes each but because we are all just trying out ideas, I was accidentally up there for half an hour.
Compared to his previous comedy show, 'Good', Tom suggests 'New Stuff' will be a lot different. “If anyone came to see my previous show, it will be all different material. It'll be much looser.”
“Some of the best sets are a bit looser. You talk to the crowd a little bit or something weird happens in the room and you go off on a tangent. I suppose that's more likely to happen at this one than previous shows.
Although Tom is uncertain in relation to what he’s going to talk about on stage, he says he's eager to incorporate some graphs into his stand-up. He is often known to post funny graphs on social media.
“Just a graph to explain something in life – this correlates with this. I'm planning to get some graphs involved in my bit. That's as much as I know in relation to what the content's going to be.”
“Expect a fun, loose time with three comedians that have been doing it for a while. It should be fun, good and funny, hopefully.”