Brisbane boys, Christopher Wayne and Mike Tyler, aka The Naked Magicians promised sexy magic with plenty of laughs for their 2015 Australian Tour and they didn’t fail to deliver, with Brisbane’s Opening Night performance bringing the audience to their knees during 80 minutes of non-stop laughter.
Undoubtedly Brisbane’s Twelfth Night Theatre’s first time hosting two such gorgeous, naked men, Christopher and Mike were in fine form, engaging the audience with a variety of traditional and contemporary tricks, along with their tongue-in-cheek humour and promise of ... bits ... to come.
The pair are equally funny and entertaining in their own right and the chemistry between the two is obvious as they bounce off each other’s jokes and keep the audience hooked with their ballistic, high-energy antics.

The boys also invited a number of guests from the audience up on stage to assist with different magic tricks, which tipped the hilarity into overdrive and made for very funny viewing.
The Naked Magicians is a naughty, yet classy comedic-magic show and is the perfect combination of comedy, magic and flesh. The R-rated show is for anyone who enjoys a bit of a cheeky gag and will have you laughing from deep down in your belly.
Five out of five inflatable dolls.
Brisbane ladies and gents can catch the magic duo at Brisbane’s Twelfth Night Theatre until March 13, or on the final leg of their national tour.
The Naked Magicians Tour Dates 2015
14 Mar – Cairns Civic Theatre17 Mar – Riverway Arts Centre (Townsville)
18 Mar – Rockhampton Leagues Club
19 Mar – Gladstone Entertainment And Convention Centre
20 Mar – Mackay Entertainment And Convention Centre
27 Mar-12 Apr - Melbourne International Comedy Festival
7-9 May - Sydney Comedy Festival