Once again UK comedian Jimmy McGhie will return to Oz as he performs his stand-up show with fellow comedians Lloyd Langford and Fin Taylor as part of Best Of The Edinburgh Fest.
It seems like you are such a natural when it comes to situational humour, do you literally go walking around with video equipment searching for content? You must have a brilliant memory!
Why thank you. I certainly don’t video anything, it just tends to stick in the brain if it is quirky or interesting. I do find when I’m on the road, travelling through different countries, one tends to pick things up much quicker. Sometimes the stuff just writes itself in one go.
What is your favourite type of crowd; any stories?
My favourite crowd is an excited, full house, who aren’t too drunk but certainly aren’t sober. I once noticed a man wearing sunglasses indoors, so I was teasing him about having had a heavy night. Turned out he was blind. He found it hilarious apparently and bought me a drink afterwards.
What is your favourite city to perform in?
I don’t have one. All cities are different and playable in their own special way. I have favourite rooms in cities like The Forum in Melbourne or The Sydney Comedy Store.
How many times have you been to Australia to perform stand-up; most memorable visit to date?
This will be my sixth tour and each one was memorable. I've been fortunate enough to tour with good friends who’ve helped make pretty much all the experiences memorable.
When and how did you first decide that comedy was your calling?
When I realised that I couldn’t take acting classes seriously. I knew I was a clown from an early age, it’s just an instinct you have to always want to say something funny in any situation. Once you realise as a kid that you can make adults laugh and get out of trouble, you keep doing it for life.
If you had an opportunity to do something completely out of your normal playing field, something completely crazy to perform in front of a stadium full of people, what would you do?
I hate getting out of my comfort zone. I have worked very hard to remain very much in my comfort zone and do the things that suit me best and that I am good at. If I ever found myself in a stadium, I would perform my best stand-up, I can’t really do anything else.
Where does most of your inspiration for your work come from and who is your biggest idol in comedy?
Most of the inspiration comes from daily frustrations and annoyances. I like to blend big issues with everyday pettiness and frustration. I have many idols in comedy ranging from Harold Lloyd to Daniel Kitson.
What are you most excited about for the upcoming tour including the Adelaide Fringe?
I’m excited about performing in a prestigious showcase with two other comedians who I think are topnotch. Fin Taylor and Lloyd Langford are my colleagues in the Best Of The EdFest. Lloyd and I were in competitions together when we started out and have been friends since day one. Fin I saw at one of his first gigs and dubbed him Fin ‘The Future’ Taylor.

What has been your proudest, greatest achievement to date?
Walking onstage at the St. Kilda Palais for the Melboune Festival TV Gala in front of 3,000 people was pretty darn special. Especially as one of the other acts’ parents told me I got one of the biggest laughs of the night for my Shane Warne gag.
Best Of The Edinburgh Fest Shows
17 Feb-19 Mar - Adelaide Fringe30 Mar-9 Apr - Melbourne International Comedy Festival