'South Park' is notorious for its jokes, particularly toilet humour – and the new video game drifts with the wind.
'South Park: The Fractured But Whole' was released 17 October to coincide with the show’s 21st season and has fared extremely well the majority of game reviewers.
What you may not know is that Ubisoft surveyed over 1,000 Aussies prior to the game’s release, and it was all about – you guessed it – farting. Look below for some of the final statistics from the survey and see how you fit in.
27% drop a loud one in a business meeting.
33% have no shame on public transport.
34% decide to gas up the elevator.
35% love the smells of their own making.
36% will toot in the car with company.
40% don’t mind adding a different smell to sex.

The most popular place to let one loose is a shop change room, coming in it a whopping 66%. There are some that come in at a much lower percentage, such as farting during a first date or at the gym (both 22%), in a workplace or at a funeral (both 16%) and as far as the survey goes, only 11% during a yoga class – but anyone who’s attended such a class would instantly deny the truth in that percentage.
28% will admit to their farts and 22% will point the finger elsewhere. But close to half (48%) simply walk away and leave a special present for whoever is left behind.
Use your farting skills in the new game, where you control The New Kid and follow the gang from South Park, completing a bunch of missions using the very sophisticated superpower of the fart.