Remember Kelly's 'Shoes'? Well, She's Back With 'Masks'

Kelly - 'Masks'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's 2006. You're watching a ridiculous – yet catchy – video called 'Shoes' on a new video website called YouTube. Life is simple, and good.

Well, we've got some great news. Kelly (a character created by Liam Kyle Sullivan) has returned to spread the message about wearing a mask, and what exactly constitutes a good mask. A portion of the revenue generated from 'Masks' is going to Doctors Without Borders.

Things are a little different since we last saw Kelly 14 years ago. There's a global pandemic going on, and she's Zoom-ing her parents. Kelly's dad is apologising for how he treated her in the past, meanwhile her mum is. . . Pretty much the same.

And Kelly doesn't look a day older than she did in that famous 'Shoes' video. Kelly! Drop your skincare routine!

Enjoy this refreshed blast from the past.

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