Randy Feltface is about to hit the stage with his new solo show ‘Randy’s Anti-Crisis’, so scenestr sat down with the purple felt comedian to get the lowdown on what to expect.
“Well audiences that have never seen me before can expect a revolutionary life-changing experience whereby they will witness me saying a whole lot of words out of my face for an hour and people who have seen me before will see my best show that they have ever seen me do,” Randy tells.
Randy regularly partners with Sammy J but this will be his fifth solo show and he explains where their partnership is at. “You know Lano and Woodley are back together now and there can only ever be one mildly successful comedy duo operating in Australia at any one time so as soon as those guys announced that they were back together Sammy and I had to take some time off from working together. It’s just the rules of comedy in this country unfortunately. But he and I are working on various projects together like for example he helped me take my bins out the other night and I am painting his fence in a couple of weeks so we’ve still got some projects happening.”
Randy is excited about pushing the boundaries with ‘Anti-Crisis’.
“The new show is a lot I want to say, I’m talking about deconstructing faith and the notion of manufactured experience and there’s a lot of deep themes and the origin of faith and where we are in the world today and why we are the way that we are. I’m throwing a lot of different stuff at the wall, the staging will be a bit more theatrical with a few little tricks and a few little puppetry moments and things that aren’t... You know... Me, that I think people will enjoy. The show is not specifically about religion, it’s more about the concept of belief.

"I’m not there to kind of poke fun at anyone else’s faith; I’m questioning my own and then reporting back. That’s kind of what I feel my role is, to share my existential meandering with a room full of people in a way that is entertaining, engaging and hopefully relatable.”
The ultimate appeal of Randy's show is revealed when he discusses his priorities as an entertainer. “My favourite bit is to create the kind of show where you create and then put it in front of an audience and on any given night those audience members will react in different ways. You can influence an audience as a group, you can kind of move an audience as one entity and then other times you might single someone out or someone might be a bit rowdy or whatever and you’ve got to keep that all in the same context as a fun live experience.
"Sometimes it goes off the rails and it’s unpredictable and it can get a little bit crazy but I have found in my experience that as long as I keep it positive and as long as I’m involving the rest of the audience in the situation and trying not to have laughs at anyone’s expense that are unnecessarily cruel or needlessly self-indulgent, then you can really find a lot of joy in the room with a roomful of people. That’s definitely my favourite part of the whole thing. For me it’s all about that exchange, it’s supposed to be a sort of cathartic experience for everybody.”
‘Randy’s Anti-Crisis’ Tour Dates
6-11 February – Perth Fringe World16 February-18 March – Adelaide Fringe
29 March-14 April – Melbourne Comedy Festival