Open Letter From Comedy Hypnotist Matt Hale To Adelaide

Matt Hale
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Australia's comedy hypnotist Matt Hale is providing a bonkers antidote to a pretty terrible year, in his show aptly titled 'Bonkers!'.

Matt has hypnotised people across the world and won three national comedy awards for his modern brand of hypnosis laughs, as he combines the fun of audience participation with the abilities of our minds.

'Bonkers!' promises to be a hypnosis show with a party vibe.

Before he delights SA with 'Bonkers!' at Adelaide Fringe, Matt pens an open letter to his Adelaide audiences.

“Hey Adelaide!

How about we get ready to just switch off from the challenges of the past year, and simply decide to escape with an hour of pure crazy joyful silliness. You up for it?! It's time to go absolutely BONKERS!

First of all, thanks so much for the incredible welcome last year to your city for my first ever Adelaide Fringe season. As you can imagine, it's really tough to bring a new show to the fest, with so many well established and entertaining shows already to choose from.

The fact that so many of you decided to give my unique twist on the traditional hypnosis show a go, made me super determined to return this year with my new show 'Bonkers!', despite so many obstacles to overcome.

I've had to reinvent the ways I do things on stage to keep the show COVID-safe – it's now a non-contact comedy hypnosis show, chairs spaced on stage, no sharing the mic and lots and lots of hand sanitiser amongst other things!

But the pure fun and comedy hypno-chaos remains. . . And works really well in this new format.

As I write this, I'm currently performing it at another fest, and it's fantastic to see how much fun people are revved up and ready to have!

So I guarantee you, if you enjoyed last year's 'Feelgood Factory', you'll love how, err. . . Bonkers. . . The new show 'Bonkers!' is. I've kept the ridiculous sense of fun, joy and happiness. . . AND I've amped up the party vibe!

Get ready to lift the roof off my Gluttony venue, whether you're on stage or in the audience (and it's always your choice of course!), we are all in this one together!

And of course, every show comes with my 100 per cent Chicken Free Guarantee. . . And no swinging watches!

Hope to see you there!”

Matt Hale plays The Virago at Gluttony – Rymill Park (Adelaide Fringe) from 19 February-21 March.

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