What would it be like to live two separate lives as two separate people?
Online internet prodigy and lipstick advocate Miranda Sings was the star of the show at Brisbane Powerhouse for her exclusive live show, and this reviewer had the VIP experience to prove it.

Colleen Ballinger wasn’t expecting the success that arose from the thoughtless creation of her now icon-status character 'Miranda Sings'. The sold-out shows right across Australia are proof that the internet has an amazing way of pushing the most unexpected of individuals into the limelight, and the show was something of a spectacle.
Beginning the show as herself, Colleen proved the incredible range of her voice. She performed a duet of ‘All Of Me’ with her also internet-famous fiancé Josh (JoshuaDTV), as the die-hard Miranda fans (admittedly including myself) swooned and cheered.
But it was a Miranda Sings show. So it was time for the star.
Colleen launched into a pitch perfect cover of ‘Defying Gravity’ from the musical 'Wicked', and half way through changed into her famous red track pants and button up shirt. The overdone lipstick was the final touch, and just like that, Miranda Sings was right before our very eyes.
As well as being full of hilarious musical covers, it was also somewhat of a self-help experience, or as Miranda called it, 'Selp Helf'. Members of the audience were picked to participate on stage for different sections of the show, such as 'Miranda On Porn', a lesson about how to dress appropriately and conservatively.

Miranda also searched for her next boyfriend, and invited three boys on stage to compete for her love, until Josh crashed the party and caught Miranda in the act.
Inviting her assistant (Colleen’s sister) Rachel on stage, the multi-talented performer executed a magic trick, where a sword was stuck through her neck while she sang a song from 'The Phantom Of The Opera'. Each time it passed through her throat, Miranda would shift her voice into Colleen’s incredible Broadway-style – which created a hilarious effect, and proved her raw talent.
After about an hour and a half of helpful life tips, musical performances and audience participation, the show came to an end – but the VIP ticket holders stayed seated.
We were treated to a question and answer session from the woman herself, and one girl stood out from the rest. Telling of how she was held at knifepoint and later found Miranda Sings’ videos as she recovered from the trauma, the girl broke down and told Colleen just how much she means to her. Colleen responded by leaving the stage, personally hugging the girl, and thanking her for sharing her awful experience.
Around 20 minutes of questions later, photos were taken with the star row by row, and there were gifts and hugs aplenty.
The show was absolutely wonderful. It's brilliant to see just how much that silly character means to so many people. The audience were extremely responsive, showing Colleen the respect and appreciation she deserved.
A hilarious night, and a wonderful after-show experience, five out of five red, smudged lipsticks!
Miranda Sings performs sold-out shows around Australia this week.