Luke Heggie Generally Doesn't Like People

Luke Heggie
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Award-winning comedian Luke Heggie is pretty annoyed.

Luke's deadpan delivery has won him awards and an adoring audience, and now he's got a new set of jokes inspired by all the most annoying goings-on of the past year.

Before you consider heading along, ask yourself. . . Have you ever eaten a full meal at a bowling alley? Have you ever been involved in a mass participation world record attempt? If the answer to either of these is 'yes', this show might not be for you. No lowbreeds allowed, Luke's orders.

We chat to Luke ahead of his show, ‘Your Stupid’. Yes. . . That’s the correct spelling.

What’s ‘Your Stupid’ all about?
Nothing in particular. It’s just stand-up comedy. It’s a collection of the things that have annoyed me in the past 12 months. Although a tangible early perk is that people online are upset at my show, sight unseen. Mostly it’s about how I can’t spell (which is called shaming now), but it’s also consternation at being called stupid, and vowing to never ever seeing a show of mine. One man said: “I’ve never heard of this bastard, so I wasn’t going to go anyway, but now I’m definitely not going if he thinks I’m stupid”.

Define ‘lowbreed’ for us.
Lowbreed is an insult from my youth. It’s generally a grubby little bevan with no redeeming qualities. There are no intricate defining characteristics, but Zippo lighter and race team jacket ownership are bonuses.

Tell us a bit about your beginnings in comedy.
I started on a whim, thinking I would be a comedian for one night. It went okay and I went back. There appear to be no barriers to entry for stand-up comedy which surprised me. I don’t know why I kept doing it. it’s the longest I’ve been involved in anything.

How are you hoping audiences respond to the show?
The usual stuff. Best night of their lives, according to them. Carried out on people’s shoulders. All the women screaming and weeping because I’m leaving. My name getting chanted until I’m well up the street.

Do you have a recent audience member story that sticks out (for bad OR good reason)?
No. I go at a pace that doesn’t invite heckling. By the same token, I don’t do any crowd work. I generally don't even like people. I have had people walk out because agreeing with everything that gets said is very important to some, but they usually wait until they get home before they pen a complaint.

Luke Heggie plays Astor Theatre (Perth Comedy Festival) 7 May, Enmore Theatre (Sydney Comedy Festival) 14 May and Brisbane Powerhouse (Brisbane Comedy Festival) 20-21 May.

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