Fusing her songwriting talent with stand-up to great effect, Jude Perl’s 'Let’s Hang Out' is an hour of social commentary, catchy tunes, and ever so graceful lamenting of weird things one does as a child, an adult, and everywhere in between.
Opening the show by acknowledging that her and the audience were now simply friends hanging out, Jude Perl welcomed us with open arms and oversharing. From her increasingly worsening stomach issues, to her break up with her long-term boyfriend, we were let into her world for 50 minutes of conversational and musical amusement.
Her mum, we discovered, is one of her biggest supporters but also provides a significant amount of material for Jude, who mentioned her and her mispronunciation of sayings countless times throughout her performance. She then segued to her friends who are now parents, by performing a musical rendition of how she feels about that situation.
At one point, the audience found themselves being referred to as a ‘chorus of angels’ as she split them up into a three-part harmony for one of her concluding compositions. Jude’s musical performance was arguably one of the best parts about the show, and set her apart from the other comedians at this year’s Brisbane Comedy Festival.
Hilariously awkward and weirdly entertaining, Jude captivated the audience with her quirky style and surprisingly amazing singing, which really shouldn’t be surprising based on her day job as a wedding singer, which also plays a role in her stand-up. Whether you’re 20-something, currently living in a sharehouse or sharing the same ‘stomach issues’ that supposedly everyone in the world is suffering from, or a 30-something, currently in a relationship and/or a parent, this show will bring to light all the awkward things you’re too afraid to talk about in a beautiful musical comedy act.
Jude Perl Show Dates
10-22 April – The Coopers Malthouse (Melbourne Comedy Festival)12-13 May – Factory Theatre (Sydney Comedy Festival)