Jonathan Pie Australia 2018 Shows

Jonathan Pie plays Sydney and Perth Comedy Festivals in 2018.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

After a completely sold-out UK tour in 2017, frustrated news reporter Jonathan Pie is making his Australian debut in 2018 and he’s angrier than ever.

In Jonathan Pie: Back To The Studio, Pie attempts to host a night of serious discussions on current affairs while simultaneously attempting to smash the system from within. This is political satire at its finest.

Join Pie at Perth Comedy Festival and Sydney Comedy Festival for a night of political comedy that soon descends into chaos.

Melbourne show dates will be announced soon.

Update 14 Nov, 2017: Jonanthan has announced a one-off Melbourne show at Athenaeum Theatre 26 May, 2018

Jonathan Pie Australia Shows

Fri 18 May - Regal Theatre @ Perth Comedy Festival
Sat 19 May - Enmore Theatre @ Sydney Comedy Festival
Sat 26 May - Athenaeum Theatre (Melbourne)* just announced 14 Nov, 2017

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