Ivan Aristeguieta Is Grabbing The Bull By The Horns In His New Show

Ivan Aristeguieta
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Ever since he was young, Ivan wanted to be a matador.

Australia's favourite Venezuelan is bringing his comedy around the country and here, he answers some questions about what to expect in the show.

This show is about 'loving something despite its horns'. Tell us more!
Nothing is perfect. We love burgers but they make us fat, we love our countries but they do embarrassing stuff. I love my cultural heritage and there’s stuff about it that I don’t agree with and still it is part of who I am and I’m proud of it.

You're a keen observer of Australian culture and our way of life… What makes Australians so fascinating?
Aussies like to laugh at themselves! The more I make jokes about Aussies the more they love me! It’s the best!

How has your opinion on bullfighting and meat-eating changed over the years?
When you live in a first world country you have a lot of free time to think and reflect about stuff because you are no longer running for your life. I still eat meat but I no longer do jokes about vegans, they are actually trying to do something positive. Vegan jokes are a thing of the past. I no longer support any barbaric primitive form of entertainment that brings out the worst of people like bullfighting, horse racing or the Bachelor.

Will you be addressing this in the show?

What got you into comedy and why do you love it so much?
Comedy ticks all the boxes for me: not an office job, no bosses, lots of free time and people are interested in what you've got to say. Plus the laughs, the beers and the travelling.

Sell 'Matador' to us in one sentence.
The story that only a Venezuelan comedian with a Spanish background who migrated to Australia can tell...!

Ivan Aristeguieta Tour Dates

16 February-18 March – Studio 7 at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights (Adelaide Fringe)
21-25 March – Brisbane Powerhouse (Brisbane Comedy Festival)
29 March-22 April – The Victoria Hotel (Melbourne Comedy Festival)

3-6 May – Factory Theatre (Sydney Comedy Festival)
18-20 May – Hellenic Club Of WA (Perth Comedy Festival)

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