Enter the world of Tien Tran, where absurd, social comedy and wry storytelling collide.
Nominated for the 2014 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Best Newcomer, Tran is definitely one to watch.
Who is Tien Tran... I've been doing comedy for almost five years now. Before this I was fabricating horoscopes for reputable magazines and newspapers then I realised I was making money off people's weird beliefs in some cosmic power, like a cult or a church, and that creeped me out so I stopped.
My first gig was... Shapiro's Tuesday, a comedy night in Perth and one of my favourite rooms in Australia. The audience here really appreciates comedians experimenting with new material and the craft itself.
If I could tour with anyone... OJ Simpson. So I can introduce him every show as Orange Juice Simpson. I don't think anyone has ever made that observation before.

Social media is... Something I hate but cannot stop using.
My favourite app at the moment is (why?)... Shazam. Has been my favourite app ever since its creation.
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I embarked on a career in stand-up comedy.
Life on the road can be... Boring. The nice scenery is nice for like ten seconds. Then you get used to it and you don't give a shit about meadows, or cows, or lakes anymore.
If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that my rider contains... Grape Fanta.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... The time Queen Elizabeth visited Australia and came to this restaurant I was working at. I didn't know she was coming, no one did, so it was a huge shock when we saw her sitting at one of our tables. I came over to get the cutlery and I guess I must've been so nervous that I dropped a set of forks beside the table. I bent down to pick it up and suddenly I felt my ear being twisted, the pain was excruciating, my head was jerked towards the table and a voice whispered to me: "if this was back in the old days you would've gotten your head cut off for dropping the queen's cutlery. Now fuck off back to your quarters you peasant." But other than that, it was pretty cool to meet the Queen of England.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson (why?)... Millhouse. I don't know why.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party (why?)... I don't have dinner parties.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Nothing.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... Mi Goreng.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... A while ago.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Dishes.
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? There's one co-worker I used to prank a lot; she was this shy sort of girl. I would sneak into work early and print off lots of pictures of myself, me at the beach, me having a coffee, me sleeping in bed, and I would hang up these photos all over her cubicle with little love hearts and just make it look like a shrine she was keeping of me. Then when she came to work I confronted her about the shrine in front of everyone. I think she almost cried.
Tien Tran Tour Dates
24 Feb-1 Mar – Brisbane Powerhouse (Brisbane Comedy Festival)26 Mar-19 Apr – Gin Palace (Melbourne International Comedy Festival)
30 Apr-2 May – Subiaco Arts Centre (Perth Comedy Festival)
5-9 May – Factory Theatre (Sydney Comedy Festival)