Raised in the ‘ghettos of Wollongong’, Frenchy has picked up comedy awards including Quest For The Best Finalist and Triple J RAW Comedy NSW Finalist.
His YouTube channel, SungaAttack, features the cult series Around Girlfriend Vs Around Mates and has led him to more than 800,000 online fans and tens of millions of views!
With ‘The Worlds Worst Adult’, Frenchy covers such topics as speed-dating, crazy girls, wizards, muggles, Wollongong Lyfe, substitute teaching like a boss and more.
Who is Frenchy... Once described as ‘a mop with arms’, I’m just some, lanky bloke from Wollongong. I used to be a teacher but my licence is currently suspended. #longstory
I sound like... I’ve been told I sound like a stoned bogan.
My first gig was... At Mum’s surprise 50th birthday party. I was supposed to give a feel-good ‘you’re the best-Mum-ever speech’ but the eight beers I had earlier told me I should roast her and the crowd loved it. Mum later took me out of her will, but I still maintain it was worth it.
At a show I usually... Get made to 'Slug' and mess my face up.
If I could tour with anyone... Optimus Prime, Liam Neeson and all of the Victoria’s Secret Angels, for obvious reasons.

Social media is... A necessary evil.
My favourite app at the moment is (why?)... Tinder, 'cause if I can’t swipe girls in real life at least I can do it on my phone ;)
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... The time I was so high that I accidently made out with a walrus. #longstory.
Life on the road can be... So much fun, way better than teaching! But this is my first tour, so I’ll get back to you in three months when I’m jaded and bitter.
If I’m doing a show, all I ask is that my rider contains... Three cases of beer, a ping-pong table and any of the Victoria’s Secret Angels. I don’t often get a rider for some reason.
The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... When I had sleepovers at my Uncle Rolf's house.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson (why?)... Hermione Granger, because she can do magic and I like her accent.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party (why?)... Barack Obama, the leader of the KKK and Ash the Pokemon trainer, for obvious reasons.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Probably nothing TBH. I don’t know you at all, if you’re gonna randomly crash my house you probably should bring food. Might be able to make you some Maggie two-minute noodles if I have to.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... VB. And two-minute noodles.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... When I watched the movie ‘Dodgeball’. #globogym
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Cleaning the gutters at Uncle Rolf’s house.
Do you have any phobias... please explain? Zombies and really hard Sudoku's.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? If so, what type? Yeah, I’m pretty poor atm, so I’ll go on whatever show pays me. Maybe a ‘So You Think You Can Strip’ show and we see who the best stripper in Australia is and I get to be the judge. Or the pole ;)
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? I’d prank any of my mates from The Roundabout Crew, and I’d probably try to give them ebola or something. I’m not very good at pranks.
Frenchy Tour Dates
25 Mar - 19 Apr - The Tuxedo Cat at Melbourne International Comedy Festival28 Apr - 2 May - The Factory Theatre at Sydney Comedy Festival
6-9 May - His Majesty's Theatre at Perth Comedy Festival
30 May - The Arkaba (Adelaide)