Fiona O'Loughlin: My Brilliant Career

Fiona O'Loughlin
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

The Queen of Australian comedy, Fiona O’Loughlin, will take you on a never-before heard ride, telling stories from her 15-year career. She took time out from her hectic schedule to interview herself.

Hi Fiona. To start with there’s almost been a kind of re-branding with you recently, what’s that all about?
Well a lot of things have changed since I last wrote a festival show. I'm openly 'single' now. I moved to the city [Melbourne] and I've been exercising for the first time in my life; so we did a new photo shoot with new images to reflect all of that.

Yes, and I understand you had some minor face work done as well?
Why would you bring that up?

Because I was there and it hurt like fuck, all those needles; was it worth it?
Absolutely. I've been wanting to deal with that 'coin slot' wrinkle on my forehead for ages. I was afraid to go to shopping centres in case some kid put 20 cents in it and asked me for a ride. Are you going to ask me about my show at any stage?

Yes, I was getting to that; what’s it about?
It's basically stories from behind the scenes over the last 15 years. It's a very personal show and I'm telling things I haven't even told my therapist.

You bitch a lot about celebrities on and off stage almost to the point of obsession. If you weren’t you do you think you would bitch about Fiona O’Loughlin?
Oh without a doubt. I would hate her and I would criticise her mercilessly. I actually do a really good impression of her banging on about her five kids and her old drinking problem.

I really feel pretty uncomfortable with where this interview is heading.
That's ok, why don't you just ask me one more question and we could wrap it up?

What makes you laugh?
I know what you're doing.

How did you get into comedy?
I SAID, I know what you're doing!

Have a great Festival.

Fiona O’Loughlin Dates

March 4-9 — Brisbane Comedy Festival @ the Powerhouse
March 31, April 7, 8-12, 14 — Melbourne International Comedy Festival @ Melbourne Town Hall

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