Fiona O'Loughlin Has Some Things To Say To Australia

Be upstanding for Fiona O'Loughlin as she 'Addresses The Nation' this comedy season.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Fiona O'Loughlin has seemingly always been the punchline of her own jokes... until now.

In 'Fiona O'Loughlin Addresses The Nation', the comedian will turn her weapon towards some other idiots.

She's going to mess with everyone and have opinions divided, and she can't wait.

Here, she answers some questions about her new show.

Now that you've been hilariously (and brutally) honest about yourself and your experience, it's time to chat about others. What can we expect from 'Fiona O'Loughlin Addresses The Nation'?
Loads of laughs as I attempt to solve all the problems of the world in an hour.

How is it different to your previous shows?
It’s still full of autobiographical stories which is kinda my trademark but I have had the gun at my own head on stage for the better part of 20 years. Now that I’m in my 50s I feel grown-up enough to finally take some pot shots outside of my own screw-ups.

Apparently if you like Nicole Kidman the show isn't for you. Without spilling too much details, can you brief us on what that means?
I’m tired of the dishonesty of celebrity and the narcissism. Nicole says she hasn’t had any cosmetic enhancements and that she’s completely natural. She credits the use of sunblock for her appearance. I wish I’d known that sunblock can help you grow lips and boobs in your 40s! I’ve got a few beefs with ‘our Nic’ but I can’t reveal any more of them until showtime.

Travelling all over the globe, what what has been your worst comedy experience? What happened?
I did a gig in Port Moresby years ago to a room full of businessmen and politicians. Everybody in the audience seemed quite confused for most of my performance and I found out after the gig what had happened. There had been a balls-up through the company that booked me through an agency in Cairns. They were expecting a stripper and they got fully-clothed-storytelling me!

What was your 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' experience like?
It was incredibly hard and yet equally enjoyable. I was so lucky to have Pete Rowsthorn as a camp mate. In between being tortured, terrified and starved I laughed myself stupid. It was a turning point for my career and I will be forever grateful for the experience.

Did it feel great to be titled Queen Of The Jungle?
It felt surreal to say the least.

What was it like to be a mother of five, and now a grandmother to Una?
I absolutely adore children and my babies were and still are my greatest joy. Una is the icing on the cake and just the thought of her literally makes me turn to goo.

Do you have any wise (or maybe not wise) words that you might have told your younger self?
What other people think of me is actually none of my business.

What inspired you to try comedy?
I used to be an emcee at all sorts of community events in Alice Springs before I turned professional. It was watching the MICF Gala on telly in the '90s that I knew I dearly wanted to give it a crack.

Who's your favourite comedian?
Bob Franklin. Hands down.

Fiona O'Loughlin 'Addresses The Nation' Tour 2019

26 Mar-7 Apr - Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Mon 10 May - Regal Theatre (Perth)
Tue 18 May - Enmore Theatre (Sydney)

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