Faulty Towers The Dining Experience – 5 Nicknames Basil Gave Sybil

'Faulty Towers The Dining Experience'
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

What happens when you take a beloved British sitcom, convert it into a chaotic theatre production, and add a three-course meal?

The answer is 'Faulty Towers The Dining Experience'. It's a smash-hit production featuring high levels of comedy, immersion and improvisation where you can expect a whole bunch of laughs and a brilliant night out with Basil, Sybil and Manuel.

It's two hours of non-stop, 70 per cent improvised hilarity and fun – a show which premiered in 1997 and has since played venues like the Sydney Opera House, the Royal Albert Hall, and Raffles in Singapore. The show's first London shows were such a success that they were given a year-round West End residency.

'Faulty' made its Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) debut in 2007, and 16 years later, audiences are still as thrilled as ever to attend the show as part of the 2023 festival.

Here, Eilannin Harris-Black, who plays Sybil Faulty in the MICF production, lists five memorable nicknames Basil gave Sybil in the original show.


'Sabre-toothed tart'. Love this pet name for the mix of allegation of ferocity, but also the lovely secondary allegation of Sybil's style being a little too racy for Basil's rather conservative liking.


'My little nest of vipers'. Adding 'my little' to anything just adds a touch of endearment to me, however sarcastically Basil intended it. Also gives me a fluffy mental picture of very cute, wide-eyed Disney-esque snakes.


'My little Kommandant'. Again, the 'my little' is super sweet, and then it's absolutely destroyed by 'Kommandant'. Typical Basil involving the Germans.


'My little piranha fish'. Again – a cute name with a lovely undertone of allegation. It always amuses me how this towering man was so intimidated by a somewhat petite lady who often didn't need to say anything at all but could knock him down with a short look.


'My little workhorse'. Again – seems cutesy at first until you realise throughout the series he is constantly making jabs at her for being an apparent lady of luxury. So another high quality cute name – but with a Basil undertone of allegation.

'Faulty Towers The Dining Experience' plays Stamford Plaza Melbourne (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) 11-16 April.

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