Anyone who had a TV set in the '70s knows the comedic genius of 'Faulty Towers'.
Some of us may not have been around in its hay-day, but whenever the repeats are on of an evening families still sit down to have a laugh, while parents and grandparents reminisce about the good ol' days of TV.

While based on the 1970s TV series, 'Faulty Towers' written by John Cleese and Connie Booth, the 'Faulty Towers: Dining Experience' does not work with scripts from the show itself. Rather it provides a quirky performance that is sure to make you laugh just as much, if not more than the original. Only one third of the show is scripted, leaving plenty of room for improv and a unique show every time.

'Faulty Towers: The Dining Experience' has plenty of shows around Australia throughout the rest of 2014.