Fady Kassab Pens An Open Letter To Adelaide Ahead Of Fringe

Fady Kassab
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Comedian Fady Kassab is pretty new to the world of dating. It's been a while.

Now, after presenting audiences with a show detailing his experiences as a child of war in Lebanon for 17 years, Fady's shifting the focus – as he sets out into the dating zone.

Fady will need to listen to his heart, breathe, and remember to be himself. As long as he avoids conversational topics like exes, The Middle East and his ear infection, all should be swell, right?

Fady won the Melbourne International Comedy Festival's RAW Comedy competition, and has since performed in Edinburgh, appeared on our screens and played the 2021 comedy festival circuit with this show 'Borderline'.

Before Fady takes to Adelaide Fringe 2022 to tackle his love life in his new stand-up comedy show 'Is This Legal?', he pens a heartfelt open letter to the city.

“Adelaide, you have a special place in my heart. In 2021, I brought my first ever one-hour show to Adelaide in the midst of a global, heartbreaking, deadly pandemic while, all around, borders, flights, events and festivals were being cancelled.

But not in Adelaide. Adelaide stood up and announced that the festival is going ahead. Each time I told someone: 'Hey, I’m going to Adelaide for the Fringe!' Inevitably, the answer was: 'It’s going ahead?' Australia was surely in a controlled environment when it came to the pandemic but for Adelaide, the timing was not only serendipitous, but also almost inevitable! There was this feeling in the air that Adelaide will go ahead!

Yes indeed! It was going ahead. It was like a beacon of hope that the arts will not only survive; but will also remind us of the reasons for which life is worth living. Despite the border closures and lack of international visitors to the festival, Adelaideans came out in droves and showed their support!

This year, I am coming back. Sorry I didn’t call. My partner (NSW) kept me locked up and ordered me not to see anyone. That’s all over now. It’s not you, NSW, it’s me. And boy do I have some stories to tell you.

In 2021, I lost my festival virginity in Adelaide but, unlike losing my actual virginity, my show got rave reviews. Adelaide embraced me, accepted me and told me I did well. Oh, thank you! Marry me, Adelaide!

I can’t wait for you all to see my show 'Is This Legal?'. I hope I can bring you some joy like the joy you gave me last year!

Keep on shining, Adelaide!
Fady Kassab”

Fady Kassab plays Howling Owl (Adelaide Fringe) 22 February-5 March.

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