Acropolistic Goddess Effie Stephanidis has been all mask and no filter throughout 2020. The mask is off for 2021 as Effie gets ready to toast to a new abnormal.
Effie's new show 'Hello Good Thanks – Better Out Than In' will see Effie sharing the experience of her year of pandemonium – a year we all shared a mutual distaste for.
There were hardships. . .
"2020, the year the sh.t hit the fan and there was no toilet paper to clean it up with. Yes, I thought about raiding the supermarket to get me some of that coveted white roll with a hole but I’m famous. I couldn’t risk getting into a scrag-fight with someone over some 3-ply Sorbent. They’d call the cops. They’d take away my Logie. They’d have me on 'A Current Affair' arguing with some toothless mother and daughter duo."
There were courtships. . .
"I won’t lie there were COVID benefits. Like spending some ‘quality’ horizontal time with my new husband Dr Shane Bradley Cooper. Me? I loved it. But I feel bad for Shane who’s developed quite the limp."

There were benefitships. . .
"Not having to visit my drunken, bitter, botoxed mother in law Narelle was a major benefit."
And there were goldships. . .
"And getting Jobkeeper? That was a much-needed dollop of cream on the COVID sh.t pie."
The year truly brought out the good, bad and ugly in all of us. But it's time to get out and have a great time.
"Come and see my hilarious new, nothing is off-limits stage show," Effie says, "and let me, Effie, lift youse up where youse belong."
Effie plays The Spiegeltent at the Garden Of Unearthly Delights (Adelaide Fringe) 18-20 March as well as Yarraville Club (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) 9-10 April, The Concourse Theatre 24 April and The Factory Theatre 8 May (Sydney Comedy Festival).