Local comedy duo Jacob Lingard and Hannes Monaghan are hosting a fortnightly alternative comedy show called 'Dead Jesters Comedy' and it looks to be morbidly hilarious.
Describe your show in five words.
V-funny, 2hosts, basement, undulate, quantum.
How did this all come about?
We’ve always worked together as comics and we saw this as an opportunity to collaborate and make a different kind of comedy show in a very cool venue.
What's the biggest lesson you've learnt about life through being involved in comedy? There’s always an audience. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, there’s somebody out there who will dig it. Sometimes it might just be your Mum, but that’s cool too because she makes wicked spaghetti.
Career highlight?
Selling out a run of Melbourne Comedy Festival shows or just any time we've got to meet or work with someone we idolised as a kid. That always starts as a highlight anyway, then you realise they’re just as broken as everybody else.
Best advice you've received?
None. Just be yourself, man.
Who would play you in a movie and what would the title be?
A small dog. Probably the one they had in 'Cats & Dogs', if he’s still acting. Can we just do 'Cats & Dogs' again?
Why should people come see your show?
It’s a good show and it’s something different. We’re really trying to bring something new to the Brisbane comedy scene.
What are your plans after this?
Probably get to work revamping the 'Cats & Dogs' series.
What do you think about the comedy scene in Brisbane?
It’s just like any other city, it’s always fluctuating. It is smaller though and that makes it harder to progress in your career. The bottle neck is very narrow, so there is a massive amount of unrealised potential. That’s why we made this show, to showcase the talents of these great acts that otherwise go unnoticed.