David Correos Vibrates His Way To A Melbourne International Comedy Festival Debut

David Correos
Melbourne/ Naarm-based entertainment writer, unravelling the city's cultural kaleidoscope through words. Weaving tales of creativity, events, and personalities that make Naarm shine.

Dive headfirst into the wonderfully wacky world of David Correos!

With his upcoming show, 'I Can’t Stop Vibrating', Correos is gearing up to make his debut at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and take the city by storm.

Known for his offbeat humour and boundless creativity, Correos has left audiences in hysterics from Auckland to Edinburgh. With stand-out appearances on 'Taskmaster NZ' and a string of live performances that have captured hearts worldwide, Correos is ready to unleash his comedic prowess on Melbourne.

Having dedicated years to pushing the boundaries of entertainment, Correos promises an hour of comedy that will leave you buzzing for days. From outrageous stunts to thought-provoking absurdity, Correos combines shock and awe to craft an unforgettable experience that's guaranteed to have you talking.

Get ready to laugh, gasp, and cheer as Correos takes the stage.

Your comedy has been described as "actual proper nonsense". Can you elaborate on what that means to you and how you developed your unique style?
I really struggle to write blurbs, so I get my manager to write them for me and I really like his style. I developed my style by mashing things that I like together, and seeing if I could come up with a comedy sketch around it, it would usually have like an element of music, something happening on stage, and then a joke, just in case the thing bombed and I just enjoyed doing it over and over again. At the moment I’m not doing it as much, but I still love the clashing of different things combining stuff together and seeing what happens.

Your live shows have been praised for being off the wall, hilarious, and creatively farcical. What inspires your ideas and how do you bring them to life on stage?
A lot of my stuff is inspired by going on big walks and listening to the background music of 'SpongeBob' while I’m walking and I'm just playing cartoons in my head, and then if it makes me laugh, I write it down. I’m usually just like zoning out for most of it.

What can audiences expect from your Melbourne debut show, 'I Can’t Stop Vibrating'?
They can expect a really conversational-type show. I feel like I’m just hanging out with the audience for an hour. I mainly try to make a show that’s fun for an hour, just as fun as possible.

What drives you to explore the extremes of comedy, and how do you balance shock value with genuine humour?
I think it’s about replacing the shock value with more surprise.

How do you prepare yourself, both mentally and physically, for performances where you put your body and mind on the line for entertainment?
I listen to a lot of music and I pace up and down whatever room at the back of the room, or in another room. I kind of mentally prepare the whole day, and then I do it, and then I can just relax, but I love it.

As someone who has won fans all over the world, what do you think it is about your comedy that resonates with such a diverse audience?
I think it’s because I really enjoy being in the room with other people, and just really pay attention to what’s happening in the room. Making the comedy more to that vibe in the room makes it feel special for me for each show.

Can you share a memorable moment from one of your live shows?
One time I was doing a show in Adelaide and the bit that I was doing, I had to put blue paint and red paint on my face, so I’m singing karaoke on stage while I've got paint on my face, and then I jump off the stage and then try to jump on to one of the chairs, but they’re really flimsy chairs, and when I stepped on it, I fell right through. There was a bottle on the ground, and my face connected with the bottle and hit me in the eye. Someone yells out “you're bleeding” and I went, “that’s the red stuff on my face”. They’re like “no, the red part's coming from the blue part”, and I had blood coming down from my eye while I was performing.

How do you navigate the fine line between absurdity and coherence in your comedic storytelling?
Right now, I’m really focused on coherence. I love coherence. I think I can get better at it still, so I’m still having a lot of fun working on that coherence.

What’s next for you?
Got a couple more comedy festivals. I’m excited about the ones in New Zealand and Sydney. More performing, I’m really enjoying it at the moment, so if anyone wants to book me, hit me up, but I’m keen on gigs a lot this year!

David Correos plays The Greek – The Library (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) 28 March-21 April.

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